Every student will develop lifelong habits of health and wellness.

SquashBusters is dedicated to supporting the whole young person by helping them maintain and improve their physical health and their social-emotional well-being.
By practicing and competing in squash, dubbed “the world’s healthiest sport” by Forbes Magazine, and engaging in ongoing fitness activities, each student gets at least 4.5 hours of exercise per week.
Students receive social-emotional support through ongoing mentoring from staff and volunteers, discussion groups, and optional mental health counseling.
Squash and Fitness
- 90-120 minutes of squash practice, 3 per week, for 33 weeks during the school year
- Ongoing fitness assessments of each student, measuring speed, agility, endurance, and coordination
- Optional opportunities including squash camps, training days with teams from Harvard University and Bates College, and clinics with world-ranked pros like Thierry Lincou and Amanda Sobhy
- Squash mentors who meet with students for one-on-one coaching sessions
- Team matches against local high schools and prep schools like Noble and Greenough, Fessenden School, and Pomfret Academy
- Individual and team tournaments across the country with other urban squash programs at places like Williams College, Yale University, and Kenyon College
- Junior-level competitions at the national and regional level through Mass. and U.S. Squash
Social-Emotional Health
- Gender and age-specific discussion groups facilitated by SquashBusters staff who invite students to open up about issues like bullying, body image and relationships
- Mental health counseling for students who need extra social-emotional support thanks to volunteer LICSWs and partnerships with Family Services of Merrimack Valley and The Inner You Counseling Center
- Mentoring relationships, including a college mentor for each high school senior and the opportunity to be paired with an experienced squash player to develop their playing skills
- Additional supportive relationships from a network of caring adults that includes SquashBusters staff, alumni, volunteers and Board members