Chandler Willett tile-image

Chandler Willett

Cinctive Capital

Chandler first became involved with SquashBusters when was recruited for the original Wallbangers Derby team by Charlie Humber and has been an active participant in the SQB Derby for over decade. He grew up in the Washington, DC area and currently lives with his family outside of Boston. Chandler splits his time professionally between Boston and New York City.  When he had the opportunity to get involved with SquashBusters, he jumped at the chance for multiple reasons, including the experience he and his family had helping under-served youth in the DC area.  A lifelong athlete, Chandler was a competitive wrestler and soccer player in his youth, and now enjoys anything with a racquet and a ball (and golf club). He is a graduate of Duke University and has spent more than 25 years in the investment industry and currently works at Cinctive Capital as a portfolio manager.  He is married with two boys – both budding squash players.