SquashBusters realized a decade-long dream on dream on December 4th with the official opening of the New Balance Foundation SquashBusters Center.

SquashBusters: A Team, A Family, A Community
The SquashBusters family continues to grow and includes not only students and alumni, but supporters, volunteers, staff and community partners as well. In this issue of the newsletter, you'll meet some very special members of our community and learn how SquashBusters has impacted their lives. Plus, see how our students fared at Urban Team Nationals in Philadelphia.

2016 MashUp Sets Fundraising Record for SquashBusters Lawrence
The fourth annual SquashBusters MashUp was a huge success, raising over $285,000 for the program in Lawrence, thanks to sponsors Anbaric and Dental Dreams, all of the squash and paddle pros, and our incredible fundraisers.

Seizing Opportunity with SquashBusters
A new year is underway at SquashBusters, and our students are already achieving big things on and off the court. From a life-changing trip for some of our students this past summer to our most recent additions to the SquashBusters family, opportunities are everywhere at SQB. Learn all about them in our November newsletter.

SquashBusters Featured as “Change Agent” In Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor talks to SquashBusters staff, alumni and students about how the unique program is "transforming young lives" through squash, academics, community service and mentoring.

Twenty Years and Counting
In June, SquashBusters closed the books on its twentieth program year. It was another season of record-breaking achievement, recently capped off by the Urban Individual Nationals, where our students demonstrated incredible tenacity, talent and sportsmanship. In our June update, you can read about the tournament as well as the plans of the class of 2016, the MFS SquashBusters Derby, and some comings and goings on our Board of Directors.

Governor Baker Stops By To Wish a Happy 20th to SquashBusters
Governor Charlie Baker dropped in on squash practice at the SquashBusters center at Northeastern University, to talk to students in the SquashBusters program about the importance of education and hard work.

SquashBusters CEO Greg Zaff Sits Down with Boston.com
In a fantastic interview with Hilary Sargent, SquashBusters founder and CEO Greg Zaff talked about the history of the program, how it has grown from a program serving 24 kids using borrowed courts and classrooms, and how urban squash became a worldwide movement that has served over 2000 youth since it began twenty years ago.