SQB Providence Summer Slam

SquashBusters Providence students
SquashBusters Providence will hold summer programming from July 9-19 for students currently in the full-year program.

SEA Alumni Nationals

alumni nationals

Join urban squash alumni from all over at the Squash and Education Alliance (SEA)’s Alumni Nationals 2018. . This year’s tournament will be held at StreetSquash Harlem in New York.

Schedule of Events

Friday, August 3 — 6 — 8pm Hit-around & Alumni Welcome Dinner/Some matches begin.
Saturday, August 4 — 8:30am — 7:30pm Tournament matches run throughout the day. Midday break in play for Award Ceremony and breakout sessions.
Sunday, August 5 — 10am — 2pm Final matches

Please note that this year’s tournament will be an individuals format. All squash-related questions should be directed to Edgardo Gonzalez, Senior Squash Director at StreetSquash and CitySquash ’09.

To sign up for Alumni Nationals, please fill out this Google form.

Also, a heads up that alumni are responsible for:

  • $15 entry fee — after submitting the entry form later this month, payment may be made using the SEA program payment site and selecting “Urban Squash Alumni Nationals” in the drop-down menu.
  • Transportation and housing to attend the weekend. SEA will reimburse up to $100 or 50% of airfare (whichever is less) for alumni traveling from locations that are further than 5 hours away by car or bus.
  • SEA will provide dinner on Friday; breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday; and breakfast on Sunday.

Urban Midwest Championships

students at kenyon

Photo courtesy of the Squash and Education Alliance (SEA).

The Squash and Education Alliance’s Midwest Championships take place every summer at Kenyon College. SquashBusters students from Boston, Lawrence and Providence will road-trip to Ohio for the tournament.

Learn more.

SQB Lawrence Summer Program & Squads

summer squad 2016

SquashBusters Lawrence offers middle school students the chance to participate in 1-2 weeks of summer enrichment activities including squash practice, creative arts, team building time, and field trips. This year’s middle school summer programming will take place from July 2 to July 13.

We also offer two weeks of intensive squash programming called “Squash Squads.” During these weeks, SquashBusters squash coaches will run intensive squash training sessions, which provide students with individual attention and feedback. The high school squad will be held from July 17-20, and the middle school squad will take place July 17-19 and 24-27.

SQB Boston Summer Slam

summer slam kids

The SquashBusters Summer Slam is a three-week camp at the SQB facility on the campus of Northeastern University open to any elementary or middle school student who is interested in playing or learning squash.

Interested in having your child attend the Middle School Summer Slam? Contact Amy Sanchez.